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#IVF Female Sexed Embryos 4
Donor …ASHLANDS RITO 01.. Reg#19699313
Sire …….GAR SUNBEAM ….Reg#18636166
Gardner Ranch pedigreed donors and sires produce Gardner Ranch quality embryos.
These embryos posses the in-depth and multi-trait excellence that can only be obtained by generations of disciplined
breeding as performed by such ranches as Gardiner, Express and a few others. RITA 01 is a paternal sister to
GAR Home Town and In Gardner Ranch’s May 2nd “Meating Demand” bull sale catalog they offered 28 of his sons.
Rita 01’s sire, GAR Ashland, ranks in the top 10% of the Angus breed for calving ease and yearling weight,
and is in the bottom 45% for mature height. He is a +1.19 for marbling and is +1.11 for ribeye.
With RITA 01’s excellent calving ease, and milk EPD’s, her top 5% YW, RE, and $C and respectable top 10%WW, 10%$B
combined with GAR Sunbeams 1%C, 1%G, 2%MARB, 2%REA and 3%B you have embryos, that as cows will produce quality beef, excellent heifers and herd sires.
GAR Sunbeam’s dam, GAR Ingenuity 3132, is a donor at Maplecrest Farms and is the dam of their
all time high sell bred heifers, which now is a donor at the Baldridge herd in NE.
In 2020 EXAR Guru 87198B, the sire of this donor, had daughters sell for $120,000,
$37,500 and $24,000 at the EZ Angus Ranch sale. Guru is used extensively at several
seedstock producers such as EZ Angus, Wilks Ranches and Express Ranch.
A 50% pregnancy rate is guaranteed provided that all procedures are directly conducted by a certified embryologist.
All embryos are stored and shipped by Trans Ova Genetics, in Boonsboro, MD.
All shipping cost, of the embryos, are the expense of the buyer.
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